
English and Yoga Classes at Aichi University
Starting April 2015 - Register Now!

Professional interpreter and Yoga Instructor Ryoko  and 
English and Yoga Instructor Ali  
are very excited to welcome you to join a yoga class like no other! 
We will learn about and enjoy our bodies through yoga, 
and talk about healthy lifestyle and yogic philosophy in a warm, 
friendly English environment!

Mondays, 10:30-12:00
Saturdays, 9:00-10:30
Details are below!

If you have any questions or are interested in taking the class, 
please contact Ali at
ali.tanuki@gmail, or contact the
愛知大学オープンカレッジ 車道校舎
461-8641 愛知県名古屋市東区筒井2丁目10−31
申し込みはこちら → 

We welcome you!

New Class from October 2014!  Gentle Yoga
Thursdays, 6:30 -7:45 pm @ My Soul 8 Yoga Studio
Hisaya Odori
Come for a relaxing and refreshing class after a long day of work. Bilingual (Japanese/English) class.

 2014年10月から新規クラス! やさしいヨガ
木曜日 18:30〜19:45 @ MySoul8 ヨガスタジオ

New Class from April 2014 July 19th
Aroma Yoga in English at Viaura Yoga Studio
Sakae, Nagoya
Saturdays 16:30 ~ 17:45
Please come and enjoy aroma, relaxing hatha yoga, and English!! Its a great way to start your Saturday night - the best beauty treatment before a big night out!

 2014年7月19日から新規クラス! やさしいヨガ
土曜日、16:30〜17:45 @ Viaura ヨガスタジオ

New Class from April 2014!  Gentle Yoga
Saturdays, 12:15 ~ 1:30 @ My Soul 8 Yoga Studio
Hisaya Odori
Please come for some relaxing and refreshing fun on Saturdays at the gorgeous My Soul 8 studio.

 2014年4月から新規クラス! やさしいヨガ
土曜日、12:15〜13:30 @ MySoul8 ヨガスタジオ

みどり語学教室のヨガコース                               February 2014

                                                Classes at Midori Gogaku Kyoshitsu

February's Focus is Immunity Boosting/Away with Allergies!

This month is the start of the allergy season for many people,
but it doesn't have to be. Allergies effect us because of weakness
in our immune system (免疫系). Some people get them worse than others,so people assume its just the way they are. But it doesn't have to be! Some of us just need to work a little harder than others, but we can
all enjoy the ease of breathing smoothly. Exercise in general and yoga
specifically have been proven to reduce allergy symptoms.
This month we will do poses that specifically lessen allergy symptoms
and boost the immune system. The thymus gland, located in the middle of the chest (see picture) controls the immune system. So poses that open the chest are good for balancing this important gland. 

Please come and join, every Tuesday from 8:10 at Midori Language School. February 18th, Mary Sensei will the substituting for Ali. Please come and welcome her!

Classes every Tuesday, 8:10 pm  at Midori Language School in Minami Ku.
For reservations or questions, contact me at

Peace and Love,


Dear Yogis, 

December has arrived, and that means only one month left of 2013. It's a busy time,  
when we try to finish up everything before the new year, which is why its even more important to take time for yourself, to relax and exercise.  

I have been keeping up with the promise to meditate daily, doing a little in the morning  
before work, during lunch break, or even on the train to work. Taking 10 to 30 minutes  
to quiet the mind and relax the body, to just listen to my inner voice, has become very  
enjoyable. It helps me focus, be more alert, calm down, and find inspiration.  
Sometimes, if I just stop thinking about a problem and breathe, the answer will just come  
to me. I hope to do a little meditation during class, but I really encourage you to try it 
on your own. You may surprise yourself!  

●●●   December Focus   ●●● 
Keeping the kidneys strong and healthy 
The winter's dominant organs are the kidneys and the bladder. They control the water,  
which is the element of winter. Keeping the energy of the kidneys up is essential 
to staying healthy and energetic this season.  
We will be doing ear, leg, and foot massages in class. These areas are connected with  
the kidneys, so relieving tension in these areas helps to keep the kidneys clean and balanced. 

●●●    Spotlight Pose     ●●● 
The Gate Pose, Parighasana, is a side stretching pose. It helps strengthen and balance the  
kidneys by relieving tension in the muscles of the side body.  

●●●   December Aroma   ●●● 
Warming cinnamon, soothing chamomile, and uplifting orange

Dear Yogis, 

It is finally feeling like Autumn - cool breezes, falling leaves, and the warm foods  
we love.  As the season changes, it is very important to stay warm and strong, 
especially as it gets colder. It is important to keep immunity (免疫力)up 
by eating seasonal foods like ginger, carrots, pumpkins, and onions, as well as 
exercising regularly, and sleeping enough.  

This month's pose is the shoulderstand, which is an upside down pose where you stand on your shoulders! 
Going upside down helps you relieve stress, strengthens the immune system(免疫系), 
relieves swollen legs (むくんだ足), and helps with digestion(消化).  
If you find this pose difficult, or you are on your period, you can lie on your back 
against a wall, putting your legs on the wall. This should do the same trick! 

October's Aroma: Geranium and Patchouli 

October's Spotlight Pose: Shoulder Stand (Salamba Sarvangasana) 

Put the correct word in each blank. 正しい空欄にいれてください。 
inversion (n) spine (n)   tuck (v)
thyroid gland (n) pelvis (n)  perpendicular (adj)

The Shoulderstand is the “queen of poses”. It is an ____________________ ,  
so it supports your circulation. It will stretch the ______________ and stimulate the ___________________,  which produces hormones for your metabolism (新陳代謝).  

First, lie on your back, with your arms at your sides. Bring your legs up to so that they are ___________________to the floor, 90 degree angle. Use your hands and your abdominal muscles to pull your butt up and bring your ____________ above your head. Make sure that your neck is straight,  and that you can breathe. Place your upper arms on the mat and walk your hands up your back for support.  
If your back is straight, _______________in your tailbone and straighten your legs.    

October’s Focus: The 5 Movements of the Spine  

The spine can move in 5 different directions. In yoga, we try to balance these movements,  
to fully stretch and release tension in the spine. The 5 are: 
Forward bend 前屈 
Back bend   そる 
Side bend   体側 
Twist     ねじる 
Undulation  うねり 

July Aroma: Purifying Black Pepper, Refreshing Citronella and Calming Lavender
(Also a natural bug repellant!!)

July Focus: Chakras

July's Spotlight Pose: The Crane Pose 

March’s Focus: Spring Detox

  Days like today signal that spring is just around the corner, and March is the transition time from winter to spring. Just like we change our clothes for the seasons, we need to change our eating habits and activities to suit the new weather. Warmer weather generally means lighter food and more activity. So, if you have not been exercising during the winter, now is a perfect time to restart your yoga (or other) exercise routine.
  One way to help the body “reset” for the new season is to do a kind of detox diet. Detox means to get rid of toxins (“de” to reverse, “tox” from toxify).
Actually, our body is always detoxifying itself – the liver, kidneys, and the lymphatic system carry out detoxification constantly. However, those organs get tired, so we need to help them by giving them a rest. Eating easy to digest foods is one way to give these organs a rest. Also, it is recommended to take some herbs or other foods that assist with detox.  
 Detox can have a number of good effects on the body and mind, including weight loss, improved digestion, clear skin, and a refreshed feeling. The toxins in our body are created not only from the foods we eat and the chemicals in the air, but also the emotions we have. If we hold anger, sadness, jealousy, or hatred inside, these feelings can literally make us physically ill. Detoxing the body can also help clean out the mind and heart.

Seasonal Allergies and Yoga

 With the warmth of spring comes the suffering of hay fever or seasonal allergies (花粉症). On the train and at work we hear people sniffling and sighing, tired from allergy medicine and too much sneezing. The sad part is, allergy medicine makes use weaker, so that we need stronger allergy medicine as we get older. Fortunately, we CAN strengthen our immunity (免疫力) and relieve the symptoms with yoga. Of course, yoga is what we call “slow medicine”, it takes time and practice to work. But I assure you, the more you practice the better you will feel. Yoga may also be used WITH medicine to make it more effective.
   Yoga practice can relieve your allergies in two major ways. First, yoga helps to strengthen the immune system by calming the nervous system (神経系). Allergies tend to make people feel irritated, what with a constantly running nose and itchy eyes. Practicing yoga forces you to slow down your breathing, which makes you calm. Inversions (逆さまのポーズ) stimulate lymph flow, which helps your body get rid of allergens (things that give you an allergic reaction). Second, breathing exercises, like Kapalabhati, help decongest the nose so you can breathe more easily. Chest opening exercises, like Fish pose, are also helpful.

花粉症とヨガについて (日本語)
More about hay fever and yoga  (in English)

  These days, most people’s first reaction to colds or allergies is to take medicine for the symptoms, rather than treat the source. While it may be more difficult at first, listening intently to your body will eventually help you figure out what the source of your illness, or imbalance, is. Taking too much medicine deafens us to our own bodies. Listening to your body will help you do what is good for it. Doing what is good for it makes you healthy. And being healthy helps you enjoy the beautiful spring weather ^v^

February's Classes

Hello Yogis! 
First, I would like to give a little update to the change in our Yoga in English class. From February, we will have a monthly challenge pose and focus.  We will work on one pose and other supporting poses for a month. Hopefully, you can feel some accomplishment at the end of the month, as well as feeling relaxed.

February’s pose is the Eagle Pose. It is a twisting balance pose, so it is rather challenging. As with all yoga poses, there are a variety of stages and variations for people of all skill levels. The Eagle helps develop balance, which strengthens the core muscles, and flexibility in the shoulders and hips through stretch. It does many things at once, which makes it challenging, but also effective and enjoyable.

This month, we will focus on core strength, so every class we will do exercises to strengthen the core. The core means the muscles in your torso(上半身), around your belly and back (腹筋、背筋). Having toned core muscles will make you healthier and more comfortable in many ways. For example, you will experience better digestion and less constipation (便秘). These muscles, especially the inner muscles, literally help the organs do their job better.

Recently Yoichi sensei suffered from ぎっくり腰, which some of you may have experienced before. One way to prevent it is by strengthening the core. Basically, these muscles keep your back straight and help you stay balanced (ゆがみを防ぐ), which will prevent the dreaded ぎっくり腰. It is also essential to stretch muscles that you use, which is what we always do in yoga class.

February’s aroma is mixture of calming and refreshing lavender with the warming and grounding patchouli.  
Looking forward to seeing you all soon, and remember, even if you can’t come please practice at home!

Yoga in English コース 毎週火曜日 20:00~21:10 1回 \1,600円~

It's always a good time to start practicing yoga!
気軽に体験レッスンをどうぞ〜電話またはメールで予約していただき、いつでも普通のレッスンを体験できます。     みどり語学教室 052-693-8858
