Dear Yogis,
Happy Hanami Season!
This weather just makes me want to go outside and practice yoga under the cherry blossoms.
Hopefully all of you had a chance to enjoy the splendid blossoms, either at a hanami
party, or from a train window on the way to work. There really is something so quietly
spectacular about the few days when the city explodes in clouds of light pink and white.
The fact that it ends in a few days makes it all the more beautiful, a kind of beauty that
perhaps only Japanese people can truly appreciate.
To commemorate the beginning of mother nature's new year, I would like to start a chakra journey, beginning with the Root Chakra. As you may know, there are 7 main chakras, energy spots or "oases" that run from the base of the spine to the top of the head. Each chakra is associated with a different element and kind of energy, as well as corresponding psychological(精神的な)problems.
Each month, we will focus on a different chakra. I hope you can join us to discover the
unique qualities of each chakra, and how to balance each one for optimum mental and physical health.
We will start with the Root Chakra, at the perineum (会陰). The Spotlight Pose this month is the Tree Pose, as the Root Chakra is associated with the legs and feet, as well as stability.
Balance poses are difficult for many, including myself, but with practice, any pose can be done.

Last month, I introduced the moon salutation to the class. Its a good series to do at night.
Please check it out on Youtube.
Moon Salutation
I hope to see you all soon for some fun self-discovery and relaxation.
Warm regards,
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