
Pesto Hummus Recipe  フムス(ひよこ豆のペースト)のレシピ 


chickpeas ひよこまめ 250 grams 
  • soak overnight in cool water, then boil for about 1 hour until soft enough to eat. The skins of each bean will come off. You may take them off or keep them on. The dish is smoother if you take them off, but it is very bothersome. 豆を1時間程度沸騰したお湯で茹でたら、食べごろの柔らかさになるはず。それで、皮を剥いてもいいです。剥いたほうが滑らかなペーストができるけど、結構めんどくさいから剥かなくて大丈夫^v^
Tahini タヒ二 (sesame paste) 2 tablespoons/50 ml
olive oil  オリーブオイル 30 ml
lemon juice レモン汁  juice of half a lemon レモンの半分の汁
water 水 1 ~ 2 teaspoons
salt 塩 1~ 2 teaspoons
pesto sauce バジルソース(if you like お好みで) 1 ~2 teaspoons 

  1. Mix chickpeas and all the other ingredients in a mixer ( like a cuisinart). Better to do in two batches.すべての材料を2つに分けて、ミクサーで混ぜます。*ミクサーは強いものが必要、Cuisinart などのようなものがオススメです。
  2. Add more water, salt, and lemon to adjust the taste and texture. Mix till smooth. Done! 水、塩、レモン汁は味と食感を整えるために加えます。バジルソースはお好みで。完成!
  3. おすすめの食べ方:クラッカー・パン・サンドイッチに、野菜スティックのディップとして、玄米にもよく合います^v^
Sprouting Seeds 

Sprouting your own seeds is a healthy and inexpensive way to add more nutrition to your diet.
Check out this video link for the details. It is surprisingly easy! And now is the perfect time to do it.

You can check out the following website for reasons WHY to sprout.

But I say, it's so easy, why not do it? And fresh sprouts you make yourself just taste better than store bought sprouts.

Step 1
1つの大さじのブロッコリの種をSprouting Jarに入れます。
(Sprouting Jarの代わりにはビンに穴の空いてあるキャップでもいいです。)
Step 2 
Step 3
Step 4
Step 5 
Step 6

With Valentine's Day coming up, chocolate is everywhere, in every shape, form, and color. 
Most chocolates for sale are full of sugar and UN-fair trade chocolate, but here is a delicious and (more) healthy alternative.  I made these truffles with some of my students on Sunday, and even the 10 year olds were impressed. Who needs sugar and cream when you have nuts and love?
This recipe was adapted from Kimberly Snyder's.

Cacao Truffles
¾ cup cacao powder 
カカオパウダー 200 ml
   (preferably fair trade なるべくフェアトレードのもの)
2 cups ground almonds 
アーモンドプードル 500ml
1/2 cup honey
 or agave syrup 
ハチミツ、またはアガベシロップ 125ml
1 Tbs. coconut oil
ココナツオイル 1大さじ
Pinch of sea salt
1 cup dried coconut flakes 乾燥されたココナツフレーク 500ml
Combine all the ingredients except for the coconut flakes in a large bowl and mix 
    thoroughly. ココナツフレーク以外の材料を大きめのボールに混ぜる。
Take a small amount of the mixture, and roll small balls between your palms. Add your    
     love! 一つの小さじくらいを摘んで、手のひらで丸めて、愛を込めましょう^v^
Dip each ball in a separate smaller bowl containing the coconut flakes.
Freeze overnight to harden the truffles.

The 30-day Coffee-Free Challenge
Day 21 

It's been exactly three weeks since I decided to cut out coffee completely, for 30 days. I am an afternoon coffee drinker, often desiring the caffeine kick as the day drags on and I find my concentration waning. Perhaps today was the end of a 4-day weekend, so I was feeling especially lazy. Anyway, I nearly had a cup of FairTrade mocha while at a cafe with my boyfriend. I resisted, and chose the fresh strawberry and orange juice. A small but important victory over temptation.

Since cutting out coffee, I have actually found I get tired in the afternoon less. After the first week, I found my digestion improved as well. I have become even more regular than before, with less bloating. 
And of course, I have proved to myself that I don't need to drink coffee. 

Why did I decide to give up coffee?

Cafe Pharmacie lunch 1000yen 
All natural meal made with medicinal herbs
So tasty and makes your tummy feel good and warm!
Only 20 lunches a day, so get there 11:30 - 2:00
Tel. 052-242-1558
漢方薬局 綾心 & カフェ ファルマシー
1000円 限定20食 

The Cleansing Power of Natto 2 
納豆の浄化力 2

有限会社ハス商会   Check it out!

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