Saturday, March 23, 2013

Sprouting Seeds

Sprouting your own seeds is a healthy and inexpensive way to add more nutrition to your diet.
Check out this video link for the details. It is surprisingly easy! And now is the perfect time to do it.

You can check out the following website for reasons WHY to sprout.

But I say, it's so easy, WHY NOT do it? And fresh sprouts you make yourself just taste better than store bought sprouts.

Step 1
1つの大さじのブロッコリの種をSprouting Jarに入れます。
(Sprouting Jarの代わりにはビンに穴の空いてあるキャップでもいいです。)
Step 2 
Step 3
Step 4
Step 5 
Step 6

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Happy Vernal Equinox!

  In Japan, today is a holiday, a wonderful chance not just to rest, but to reset our bodies, minds, and living spaces for the new season. Today marks the first day of spring in the natural world. That means it's the day when night and day are the same length. From here on out, days will be longer than nights. So, today (and the weeks before and after, we don't need to be so strict) is the best time to start thinking ahead about the coming spring. For those of us in the US or around the world who don't get an official day off, take this weekend or any free day in March and use that as your "first day of spring".

  Spring is a time when the natural world wakes up, flowers bloom, animals look for mates, and everything starts to warm and open up. Since we are also part of this natural world (although we seem to forget and even deny that often), it makes sense that we should also start changing our lifestyles. Just as we wear lighter clothes in spring, we should also be easting lighter foods. We may also want to lighten our belongings, clean our homes, sort clothes and throw away unnecessary items. You may also want to start a cleansing diet (see below). However you choose to celebrate the coming of spring, you definitely want to acknowledge the changes that are going on around and in you. All of the transitions at this time of year make it an ideal time to make plans, or makes changes. Even people who are happy with their lives can find something they want to change to be in tune with the blossoming spring around us.

Reasons to Do a Cleanse- Detox Diet
1. You feel tired, worn-out; you want more energy.

2. You feel mentally or emotionally stuck; you want a change to occur in 
  your life.
3. You feel cluttered, you want to get rid of things you don't need.
4. You feel heavy, bloated; you want to lose weight
5. You always have dark circles under your eyes; you want to refresh your 
  I feel all of the above, and to add to that I want to start the spring off on a good and refreshed note. In Japan, April is the beginning of the new (fiscal/school year) so it’s a good time to restart.
  I'm starting off with a 3 day colon cleanse, which means eating a lot of high fiber foods and liquids to get rid of the stuff in my colon. I will (try) to avoid any acid forming (toxic) food and difficult to digest foods.

What to avoid and what to eat  
Foods to avoid: meat (chicken and fish included), dairy (cheese, milk, yogurt, ice cream), fried foods, processed or packaged foods, alcohol, coffee, sugar, wheat
Foods to eat: fresh fruit, fresh fruit juice, vegetables, beans, brown rice, quinoa, other whole grains (but avoid wheat), nuts, seeds, good oils (olive oil, avocado oil, flax oil), eggs, green and herbal tea

My Three-Day Colon Cleanse Diet Menu (example)
Breakfast: first thing- warm water with lemon, nuts, an apple
Lunch: simple stewed brown rice and beans
(prepared in advance for the 3 days)
Green tea, water
Snack: nuts, raw carrots, raw fruit and nut bar
Dinner: more rice and beans or bean curry and salad or steamed vegetables.
**Today I went to a party and had a piece of strawberry tart and coffee. It’s no fun to be too strict.

Tips for Doing a Spring Cleanse Diet
**It's much more doable if you choose foods that you like from the foods to eat list.
**Prepare in advance, making food for three days and freezing it, and going shopping for three days beforehand.
**Eat little healthy snacks and drink plenty of water and tea so you don't feel hungry and unsatisfied.
**Do the detox around the time of the spring Equinox (春分の日).
**Support your detox diet with proper rest, appropriate light exercise- yoga, walking (nothing too intense), and time to reflect.
**Keep a food and feeling diary, so you can be aware of how food makes you feel.

Tomorrow, I'll be starting my liver olive oil cleanse, so check in to see the update! 

Saturday, March 16, 2013

Spring Detox  春のデトックス

Hello Yogis!!

  Days like today signal that spring is just around the corner, and March is the transition time from winter to spring. Just like we change our clothes for the seasons, we need to change our eating habits and activities to suit the new weather. Warmer weather generally means lighter food and more activity. So, if you have not been exercising during the winter, now is a perfect time to restart your yoga (or other) exercise routine.
   One way to help the body “reset” for the new season is to do a kind of detox diet. Detox means to get rid of toxins (“de” to reverse, “tox” from toxify). Actually, our body is always detoxifying itself – the liver, kidneys, and the lymphatic system carry out detoxification constantly. However, those organs get tired, so we need to help them by giving them a rest. Eating easy to digest foods is one way to give these organs a rest. Also, it is recommended to take some herbs or other foods that assist with detox.  
 Detox can have a number of good effects on the body and mind, including weight loss, improved digestion, clear skin, and a refreshed feeling. The toxins in our body are created not only from the foods we eat and the chemicals in the air, but also the emotions we have. If we hold anger, sadness, jealousy, or hatred inside, these feelings can literally make us physically ill. Detoxing the body can also help clean out the mind and heart.

Seasonal Allergies and Yoga

  With the warmth of spring comes the suffering of hay fever or seasonal allergies (花粉症). On the train and at work we hear people sniffling and sighing, tired from allergy medicine and too much sneezing. The sad part is, allergy medicine makes use weaker, so that we need stronger allergy medicine as we get older. Fortunately, we CAN strengthen our immunity (免疫力) and relieve the symptoms with yoga. Of course, yoga is what we call “slow medicine”, it takes time and practice to work. But I assure you, the more you practice the better you will feel. Yoga may also be used WITH medicine to make it more effective.
   Yoga practice can relieve your allergies in two major ways. First, yoga helps to strengthen the immune system by calming the nervous system (神経系). Allergies tend to make people feel irritated, what with a constantly running nose and itchy eyes. Practicing yoga forces you to slow down your breathing, which makes you calm. Inversions (逆さまのポーズ) stimulate lymph flow, which helps your body get rid of allergens (things that give you an allergic reaction). Second, breathing exercises, like Kapalabhati, help decongest the nose so you can breathe more easily. Chest opening exercises, like Fish pose, are also helpful.
   Have you ever heard of the neti pot for nasal irrigation? This ancient ayurvedic technique of cleansing the nasal passages of allergens, dust, and mucus is actually recommended by doctors in the US and Japan to alleviate the symptoms of hay fever. You can use other devices for washing your nose, like squeeze bottles, or any teapot with a spout, but the neti pot is the easiest to use.

花粉症とヨガについて (日本語)

More about hay fever and yoga  (in English)

  These days, most people’s first reaction to colds or allergies is to take medicine for the symptoms, rather than treat the source. While it may be more difficult at first, listening intently to your body will eventually help you figure out what the source of your illness, or imbalance, is. Taking too much medicine deafens us to our own bodies. Listening to your body will help you do what is good for it. Doing what is good for it makes you healthy. And being healthy helps you enjoy the beautiful spring weather ^v^

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Yogawoman screening in Nagoya! Yogawomanの名古屋の上映会!

A screening of this informative and inspiring documentary, followed by a Q&A with the director, will take place in Nagoya
Time and Day: Sunday, March 24th, 5:30 ~
Place: Nakagawa Theater 中川文化小劇場


More information and advanced tickets available at: