Tuesday, December 10, 2013

December's Focus at Midori's Yoga in English Class

Dear Yogis, 

December has arrived, and that means only one month left of 2013. It's a busy time,  
when we try to finish up everything before the new year, which is why its even more important to take time for yourself, to relax and exercise.  

I have been keeping up with the promise to meditate daily, doing a little in the morning  
before work, during lunch break, or even on the train to work. Taking 10 to 30 minutes  
to quiet the mind and relax the body, just to listen to my inner voice, has become very  
enjoyable. It helps me focus, be more alert, calm down, and find inspiration.  
Sometimes, if I just stop thinking about a problem and breathe, the answer will just come  
to me. I hope to do a little meditation during class, but I really encourage you to try it 
on your own. You may surprise yourself!  

●●●   December Focus   ●●● 
Keeping the kidneys strong and healthy 
The winter's dominant organs are the kidneys and the bladder. They control the water,  
which is the element of winter. Keeping the energy of the kidneys up is essential 
to staying healthy and energetic this season.  
We will be doing ear, leg, and foot massages in class. These areas are connected with  
the kidneys, so relieving tension in these areas helps to keep the kidneys clean and balanced. 

●●●    Spotlight Pose     ●●● 
The Gate Pose, Parighasana, is a side stretching pose. It helps strengthen and balance the kidneys by relieving tension in the muscles of the side body.  

●●●   December Aroma   ●●● 
Warming cinnamon, soothing chamomile, and uplifting orange

December's Pose: Gate Pose (Parighasana)

Kneel on the floor. Stretch your right leg out to the right and press the foot to the floor. Keep your left knee directly below your left hip and align your right heel with the left knee. Turn your pelvis slightly to the right, but turn your upper torso back to the left. Point the kneecap toward the ceiling. As you inhale, bring your arms out to your sides, parallel to the floor, palms down. Bend to the right over the right leg and lay your right hand down on the shin or ankle of the right leg. Contract the right side of the torso and stretch the left. Place your left hand on the outer left hip and push the pelvis down toward the floor. Then use your left hand to lift up the left side of the ribs, creating space in the left waist. With an inhalation, sweep the left arm over the left ear. Without pushing the left hip back (continue to roll it slightly forward), turn the upper torso away from the floor. Stay in this pose from 30 seconds to a minute. Come up as you inhale, reaching through the top arm to draw the torso upright. Bring the right knee back beside the left, and repeat with the legs reversed.

Saturday, October 12, 2013

Dear Yogis, 

It is finally feeling like Autumn - cool breezes, falling leaves, and the warm foods  
we love.  As the season changes, it is very important to stay warm and strong, 
especially as it gets colder. It is important to keep immunity (免疫力)up 
by eating seasonal foods like ginger, carrots, pumpkins, and onions, as well as 
exercising regularly, and sleeping enough.  

This month's pose is the shoulderstand, which is an upside down pose where you stand on your shoulders! 
Going upside down helps you relieve stress, strengthens the immune system(免疫系), 
relieves swollen legs (むくんだ足), and helps with digestion(消化).  
If you find this pose difficult, or you are on your period, you can lie on your back 
against a wall, putting your legs on the wall. This should do the same trick! 

October at Midori Language School 

October's Aroma: Geranium and Patchouli 

October's Spotlight Pose: Shoulder Stand (Salamba Sarvangasana) 

Vocabulary  Put the correct word in each blank. 正しい空欄にいれてください。 
inversion (n) spine (n)   tuck (v) 
thyroid gland (n) pelvis (n)  perpendicular (adj) 

The Shoulderstand is the “queen of poses”. It is an ____________________ ,  
so it supports your circulation. It will stretch the ______________ and stimulate the ___________________,  which produces hormones for your metabolism (新陳代謝).  

First, lie on your back, with your arms at your sides. Bring your legs up to so that they are ___________________to the floor, 90 degree angle. Use your hands and your abdominal muscles to pull your butt up and bring your ____________ above your head. Make sure that your neck is straight,  and that you can breathe. Place your upper arms on the mat and walk your hands up your back for support.  
If your back is straight, _______________in your tailbone and straighten your legs.    

October’s Focus: The 5 Movements of the Spine  

The spine can move in 5 different directions. In yoga, we try to balance these movements,  
to fully stretch and release tension in the spine. The 5 are: 
Forward bend 前屈 
Back bend   そる 
Side bend   体側 
Twist     ねじる 
Undulation  うねり 

Saturday, July 13, 2013

Make Your Own Bug Repellant! 手作り虫除けスプレーのレシピ!

Homemade Bug Repellant that smells good and works!           


Most bug sprays from the pharmacy contain all sorts of chemicals, including DEET. As with most chemicals that are added to products, it is highly toxic even in low concentrations. This means that they may not make us sick immediately, but over time these toxins build up in the body and make us ill.
These days, due to the raised awareness of the toxicity of DEET, there are a variety of natural bug sprays on the market. You can also make your own! It is surprising easy, effective, and a fun project to do with friends or kids. I like the mix of aromas in this one.

(adapted from Wellness Mama's site)

filtered/spring water 50ml       精製水 50ml
ethanol (alcohol)   40ml      水エタノール 40ml 
glycerin 10ml             グリゼリン 10ml 
15 drops black pepper essential oil     ブラックペッパー精油 15滴
20 drops citronella "          シトロネラ精油 20滴
15 drops lavender "           ラベンダー精油 15滴

Just combine all ingredients in a 100ml spray bottle.
Easy and refreshing!

Monday, July 1, 2013

How to Quiet the Mind

Quieting the Mind

   In the last few classes, we discussed and practiced meditation. There are a number of ways to meditate, but the basic idea is: training the brain to concentrate on the present moment. It’s interesting how even the simple task of counting 20 breaths can so easily be interrupted by our constant thoughts.
   “Quieting the mind” is a term used by people who meditate to mean slowing down the constant stream of thoughts about things OTHER than what you are doing at the present moment. Meditation is a technique that with practice can help you quiet the mind throughout your day. Think of meditation as a tool you can use to gain improved concentration, calmness in all situations, and a general feeling of happiness.
   The following website lists 20 useful tips on how to start and continue a meditation practice, but I list 6 that are especially important.

1. Stretch first.
I like to do a few yoga poses (at least 10 minutes if I don’t have time) before I sit down to meditate. It makes it easier to focus. I recommend:
cat pose with breathing (ネコのポーズ)
seated forward bend (座位前屈)
bridge pose (橋のポーズ)
shoulder stand  (支えのある肩立ち)
sun salutes (太陽礼拝)

2. Start with your breath.
Be aware of your breath: this will help you focus on the present moment. Counting your breaths is any easy way to check that you are concentrating.

3. Meditate early in the morning
Try to make it the first thing you do each day.

4. Don’t worry about length of time.
If you cant find 30 minutes a day to meditate, just do 10. You will feel more benefit by doing 10 minutes every day than by doing 30 minutes just once a week.

5. Keep doing it.
Try to keep doing it everyday for 3 weeks, about 20 days. By then, you should be able to feel some of the benefits and changes in your mood and concentration. 

6. Make moments of awareness (mindfulness) during the day.
You may be walking to the office, sitting on the train, or eating your lunch: these are all wonderful moments to be mindful. Be aware of your breath, your surroundings, and take a moment to be happy in your current place, wherever you are.

I am currently on day three of my meditation cycle. I already feel calmer, more confident, and more energized. It’s very easy to put off starting something when you are busy, but I recommend trying to start and keep a regular morning meditation practice. After a while, you will find it so enjoyable that you won’t be able to stop.

July’s Focus

In July, we will be talking about the chakras, the 7 energy transformation centers in the body. Please feel free to read about the chakras in Japanese at the link below.
Our spotlight pose will be an arm balance, the crane. It is a challenging yet accessible pose that requires balance and the courage to overcome the fear of falling. Check it out here: http://www.yogajournal.com/poses/468

I wish you luck with your home meditation and/or yoga practice, and I hope to see you at Midori soon!

Wishing you all peace and joy,


Saturday, May 18, 2013

2013 ワォーカソン・チャリティ・フェスティバル Walkathon Charity Festival


日時:2013年5月19日 10時〜16時


私、アリ、は B Stageの担当で、チャリティの紹介やすてきなライブもたくさん用意していますので、ぜひご参加ください!お待ちしております!




11:30山口晃司 (津軽三味線)
12:05ルーディ & マイピープルバンド (ロック / R&B)
12:35ホスピー (ポップミュージックのカバーバンド)
13:25ワンアフター909 (ビートルズ)
14:10ドリームキャッチャー (ミュージカル劇場)
14:20イレブン (ハードロック)
14:50ハラウ フラ オ レフアウイホカラニ (フラダンス)
15:25W.A.T.P. (オルタナティブ / パンク)

b ステージ

11:30エライジャ・ベン (歌手&ワンマン・バンド)
12:30チャリティー紹介: ふれ愛名古屋
12:45チャリティー紹介: 日本介助犬協会
14:10堀尾 あや (歌手)
14:25チャリティー紹介: メイク・ア・ウィッシュ
14:35チャリティー紹介: 名古屋キリスト教社会館
14:50ドクター・パペットロフィカス (人形劇)
15:25チャリティー紹介: HIV と人権・情報センター
15:35チャリティー紹介: あいち骨髄バンクを支援する会

Friday, May 3, 2013

Nagoya Vegan Gourmet Festival  名古屋ビーガングルメ祭り

The Nagoya Vegan Gourmet Festival 
Sunday May 5th 10am - 5pm  5月5日 10時〜17時
Tsurumai Park   鶴舞公園

English Version of the Natural, Vegetarian, Organic Shop Map completed!!
Come and pick up a copy! 

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Friday, April 26, 2013

Meijo Park Yoga, April 29th 名城公園でパークヨガ!! 4月29日(月・祝)

Celebrate Earth Month with Yoga in the Park! Get closer to nature, outside and inside our bodies.
地球環境について考えるとして提案された日がEarth Dayです。
毎年Earth Dayの期間には世界各地で持続可能な社会を表現する、

Every year, Earth Day offers a chance for people all around the world to reevaluate their relationship with our Earth and environment. Spending time in nature is a wonderful way to celebrate the gifts of the Earth and show our appreciation to her. So why not come and join a yoga class in the park?


10:00 地下鉄名城線市役所駅7番出口集合
            Meet at Shiyakusho Station, Meijo Line Exit 7
     <移動> travel to the spot
10:30-11:30 午前のヨガ~呼吸法、活力の高まる基本のポーズ~
                       Morning yoga session: Pranayama and energizing basic poses
     <休憩> Break, Lunch
13:30 午後のヨガのみ参加の方 地下鉄名城線市役所7番出口集合
             People joining the afternoon session, meet at Shiyakusho Station, Meijo Line Exit 7
14:00-15:00 午後のヨガ~股関節回りを開くポーズと呼吸法を使った瞑想~
                       Afternoon yoga session: Hip joint opening poses and meditation with pranayama


*受講料 Fee
 1,000円のドネーションは当日募金させていただきます。 **寄付先は下に載っています。
 Please bring a donation of 1,000 to be collected at the park. **Read below for info about the donation.

*予約 Reservations
    ヨギ―スタジオ名古屋 052-561-4117      担当:山本
    Yoggy Studio Nagoya    052-561-4117  Ask for Ms. Yamamoto
For more Info, check out the website here

「一般社団法人 環境パートナーシップ会議」に、寄付させていただきます。

一般社団法人 環境パートナーシップ会議 http://www.epc.or.jp/

**Studio Yoggy is a regular supporter of the Environmental Partnership Council through the Greenstyle Donation Coordination Program. All gathered funds will be donated to the Council.

Environmental Partnership Council http://www.epc.or.jp/


Sunday, April 7, 2013

April's Focus at Midori

 April’s Focus: Pranayama

   As you have probably noticed, we start every yoga class with a few minutes of seated breathing. We also end our practice by focusing on our breath. The goal of these exercises is to make us focus on our breath, throughout our practice, and eventually throughout our lives. Focusing on breathing is what makes yoga different from other exercises, and so much more transformative (変形させる力のある). Our breath can calm us, give us energy, and connect us with our deepest self.  
   Pranayama means rhythmic control (ayama) of the breath (yama). Through pranayama exercises, we can learn how our breath works, and how we can control it. Our breath is a mirror of our emotions, or mental state. When we get scared or nervous, or excited, we tend to breathe faster. Through the practice of breath control, we can become aware of these changes in our breathing. Then, we can control, in many cases slow down and deepen, our breathing. When our breathing is slow and deep, we feel calm and comfortable. In this way, breath control can help us control our feelings.
   In our last class, we practiced Ujjayi, the victorious breath. You can imagine that a very strong warrior breathes like this. A few students commented how it was difficult, and seemed like they didn’t understand how to make the sound. This is VERY natural, as breathing exercises are EVEN MORE difficult than moving poses. But with a little practice, you will become more sensitive to your breath and be able to do them. So let’s keep practicing and becoming more aware.
April’s Spotlight Pose: The Locust (Salabhasana)

   The Locust is a backbending (そる) pose. That means, it helps make our backs more flexible. This pose focuses on the lower back and legs, so it also strengthens the legs and buttocks muscles. There are many variations of this pose, which we will try in each class. We will also be doing other exercises to strengthen and tone the legs and buttocks. These poses require strength and effort, so expect to get sore muscles (筋肉痛) the next day!  You can also expect to develop stronger legs and a firmer buttocks. This is appealing to many of us women who suffer from “droopy butt” (垂れているお尻).        
 Half Locust variation 
 Only raise one leg at a time. Pay attention to the muscles in your buttocks and hamstrings.   

Saturday, April 6, 2013

南雲先生の名古屋講演会 4月21日(日) Life 命と人生



Monday, April 1, 2013

Yummy Home made sprouts!

Here is what the finish product looks like.
After 4 days of rinsing and setting the sprouts in a warm dark place, I put them in the Sun for 2 days, and here we have some fresh sprouts, bursting with nutrition!

Relieve Seasonal Allergies with Yoga!  花粉症の予防対策としてヨガ!

     With the warmth of spring comes the suffering of hay fever or seasonal allergies (花粉症). On the train and at work we hear people sniffling and sighing, tired from allergy medicine and too much sneezing. The sad part is, allergy medicine makes use weaker, so that we need stronger allergy medicine as we get older. Fortunately, we CAN strengthen our immunity (免疫力) and relieve the symptoms of allergy with yoga. Of course, yoga is what we call “slow medicine”, it takes time and practice to work. But I assure you, the more you practice the better you will feel. Yoga may also be used WITH medicine to make it more effective.
   I used to suffer from seasonal allergies, and what is called BN type of respiratory issues, somewhat asthmatic
   Yoga practice can relieve your allergies in two major ways. First, yoga helps to strengthen the immune system by calming the nervous system (神経系). Allergies tend to make people feel irritated, what with a constantly running nose and itchy eyes. Practicing yoga forces you to slow down your breathing, which makes you calm. Inversions (逆さまのポーズ) stimulate lymph flow, which helps your body get rid of allergens (things that give you an allergic reaction). Second, breathing exercises, like Kapalabhati, help decongest the nose so you can breathe more easily. Chest opening exercises, like Fish pose, are also helpful.

花粉症とヨガについて (日本語)
More about hay fever and yoga  (in English)

Saturday, March 23, 2013

Sprouting Seeds

Sprouting your own seeds is a healthy and inexpensive way to add more nutrition to your diet.
Check out this video link for the details. It is surprisingly easy! And now is the perfect time to do it.

You can check out the following website for reasons WHY to sprout.

But I say, it's so easy, WHY NOT do it? And fresh sprouts you make yourself just taste better than store bought sprouts.

Step 1
1つの大さじのブロッコリの種をSprouting Jarに入れます。
(Sprouting Jarの代わりにはビンに穴の空いてあるキャップでもいいです。)
Step 2 
Step 3
Step 4
Step 5 
Step 6

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Happy Vernal Equinox!

  In Japan, today is a holiday, a wonderful chance not just to rest, but to reset our bodies, minds, and living spaces for the new season. Today marks the first day of spring in the natural world. That means it's the day when night and day are the same length. From here on out, days will be longer than nights. So, today (and the weeks before and after, we don't need to be so strict) is the best time to start thinking ahead about the coming spring. For those of us in the US or around the world who don't get an official day off, take this weekend or any free day in March and use that as your "first day of spring".

  Spring is a time when the natural world wakes up, flowers bloom, animals look for mates, and everything starts to warm and open up. Since we are also part of this natural world (although we seem to forget and even deny that often), it makes sense that we should also start changing our lifestyles. Just as we wear lighter clothes in spring, we should also be easting lighter foods. We may also want to lighten our belongings, clean our homes, sort clothes and throw away unnecessary items. You may also want to start a cleansing diet (see below). However you choose to celebrate the coming of spring, you definitely want to acknowledge the changes that are going on around and in you. All of the transitions at this time of year make it an ideal time to make plans, or makes changes. Even people who are happy with their lives can find something they want to change to be in tune with the blossoming spring around us.

Reasons to Do a Cleanse- Detox Diet
1. You feel tired, worn-out; you want more energy.

2. You feel mentally or emotionally stuck; you want a change to occur in 
  your life.
3. You feel cluttered, you want to get rid of things you don't need.
4. You feel heavy, bloated; you want to lose weight
5. You always have dark circles under your eyes; you want to refresh your 
  I feel all of the above, and to add to that I want to start the spring off on a good and refreshed note. In Japan, April is the beginning of the new (fiscal/school year) so it’s a good time to restart.
  I'm starting off with a 3 day colon cleanse, which means eating a lot of high fiber foods and liquids to get rid of the stuff in my colon. I will (try) to avoid any acid forming (toxic) food and difficult to digest foods.

What to avoid and what to eat  
Foods to avoid: meat (chicken and fish included), dairy (cheese, milk, yogurt, ice cream), fried foods, processed or packaged foods, alcohol, coffee, sugar, wheat
Foods to eat: fresh fruit, fresh fruit juice, vegetables, beans, brown rice, quinoa, other whole grains (but avoid wheat), nuts, seeds, good oils (olive oil, avocado oil, flax oil), eggs, green and herbal tea

My Three-Day Colon Cleanse Diet Menu (example)
Breakfast: first thing- warm water with lemon, nuts, an apple
Lunch: simple stewed brown rice and beans
(prepared in advance for the 3 days)
Green tea, water
Snack: nuts, raw carrots, raw fruit and nut bar
Dinner: more rice and beans or bean curry and salad or steamed vegetables.
**Today I went to a party and had a piece of strawberry tart and coffee. It’s no fun to be too strict.

Tips for Doing a Spring Cleanse Diet
**It's much more doable if you choose foods that you like from the foods to eat list.
**Prepare in advance, making food for three days and freezing it, and going shopping for three days beforehand.
**Eat little healthy snacks and drink plenty of water and tea so you don't feel hungry and unsatisfied.
**Do the detox around the time of the spring Equinox (春分の日).
**Support your detox diet with proper rest, appropriate light exercise- yoga, walking (nothing too intense), and time to reflect.
**Keep a food and feeling diary, so you can be aware of how food makes you feel.

Tomorrow, I'll be starting my liver olive oil cleanse, so check in to see the update! 

Saturday, March 16, 2013

Spring Detox  春のデトックス

Hello Yogis!!

  Days like today signal that spring is just around the corner, and March is the transition time from winter to spring. Just like we change our clothes for the seasons, we need to change our eating habits and activities to suit the new weather. Warmer weather generally means lighter food and more activity. So, if you have not been exercising during the winter, now is a perfect time to restart your yoga (or other) exercise routine.
   One way to help the body “reset” for the new season is to do a kind of detox diet. Detox means to get rid of toxins (“de” to reverse, “tox” from toxify). Actually, our body is always detoxifying itself – the liver, kidneys, and the lymphatic system carry out detoxification constantly. However, those organs get tired, so we need to help them by giving them a rest. Eating easy to digest foods is one way to give these organs a rest. Also, it is recommended to take some herbs or other foods that assist with detox.  
 Detox can have a number of good effects on the body and mind, including weight loss, improved digestion, clear skin, and a refreshed feeling. The toxins in our body are created not only from the foods we eat and the chemicals in the air, but also the emotions we have. If we hold anger, sadness, jealousy, or hatred inside, these feelings can literally make us physically ill. Detoxing the body can also help clean out the mind and heart.

Seasonal Allergies and Yoga

  With the warmth of spring comes the suffering of hay fever or seasonal allergies (花粉症). On the train and at work we hear people sniffling and sighing, tired from allergy medicine and too much sneezing. The sad part is, allergy medicine makes use weaker, so that we need stronger allergy medicine as we get older. Fortunately, we CAN strengthen our immunity (免疫力) and relieve the symptoms with yoga. Of course, yoga is what we call “slow medicine”, it takes time and practice to work. But I assure you, the more you practice the better you will feel. Yoga may also be used WITH medicine to make it more effective.
   Yoga practice can relieve your allergies in two major ways. First, yoga helps to strengthen the immune system by calming the nervous system (神経系). Allergies tend to make people feel irritated, what with a constantly running nose and itchy eyes. Practicing yoga forces you to slow down your breathing, which makes you calm. Inversions (逆さまのポーズ) stimulate lymph flow, which helps your body get rid of allergens (things that give you an allergic reaction). Second, breathing exercises, like Kapalabhati, help decongest the nose so you can breathe more easily. Chest opening exercises, like Fish pose, are also helpful.
   Have you ever heard of the neti pot for nasal irrigation? This ancient ayurvedic technique of cleansing the nasal passages of allergens, dust, and mucus is actually recommended by doctors in the US and Japan to alleviate the symptoms of hay fever. You can use other devices for washing your nose, like squeeze bottles, or any teapot with a spout, but the neti pot is the easiest to use.

花粉症とヨガについて (日本語)

More about hay fever and yoga  (in English)

  These days, most people’s first reaction to colds or allergies is to take medicine for the symptoms, rather than treat the source. While it may be more difficult at first, listening intently to your body will eventually help you figure out what the source of your illness, or imbalance, is. Taking too much medicine deafens us to our own bodies. Listening to your body will help you do what is good for it. Doing what is good for it makes you healthy. And being healthy helps you enjoy the beautiful spring weather ^v^