Wednesday, March 21, 2012

チャリティヨガレッスン ・ Charity Yoga Lesson
日時:3/29 (木) 13:00-14:00
場所:栄にある Viauraヨガスタジオ
予約、詳しいことは またはali@midorischool.jpまでお問い合わせください。





私は3/29 ()のチャリティーヨガを担当させていただきます。
クラスのテーマは、「アウィクン」 春に向かって内蔵と五感を覚めるポーズや呼吸法を行います。日本語と英語で行います。よろしくお願いします!

Arigato. Thank you. Namaste. Nearly all yoga classes end with a word and usually a bow of appreciation. We are showing our appreciation to the teacher, for sharing her wisdom, but also to the longer practice of yoga, to our bodies for being able to practice yoga, and to all the forces that allow us to be healthy and happy, at that moment. The longer I practice yoga, the more grateful I feel towards yoga and all people and things in this world that keep me happy, healthy, and safe. For this reason, I truly believe the world would be a more peaceful place if all people practiced yoga. It just helps you realize what is important.

The people who experienced the earthquake-tsunami disaster first hand are surely grateful that their lives were spared. Because of their spirit, they can try to move forward and rebuild. But one year later, most survivors still struggle, hardly able to return to their previous lives. They continue to need OUR support, in the form of positive thoughts and actions, however small they may be. 

I welcome you to Viaura’s Charity Yoga Class on Thursday, March 29 from 1pm to 2pm, to come and do some small positive action. The class theme will be “awakening”- stimulating the organs and the senses in preparation for spring. I look forward to practicing with you!
Location: Viaura Yoga Studio in Sakae
For more information or to make a reservation please contact me at
All are welcome to join this class. All proceeds will go to the Red Cross for the people of Tohoku. Give anything you like, but a minimum donation of 500 yen is requested.

Charity Yoga at Jonetsu!

On Sunday, March 11th, exactly one year after the tragic earthquake and tsunami disaster that struck northeastern Japan, I participated in a charity yoga class. The 3 lovely and engaging teachers prepared poses and non-traditional yoga exercises to awaken our senses and help us become aware of those around us. It was a heart and body warming afternoon. Just another small positive action in a world that needs many many more.